Tuesday, November 3, 2009

#123: G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra Snarler Cycle with Beachhead and Rollbar

This is my first vehicle from the Rise of Cobra line, the Snarler Cycle. As you can see, it's a motorcycle with an attached sidecar sporting a huge gun. The sidecar is detachable, and also follows in the grand G.I. Joe tradition of having people hang off the back of vehicles by including a platform with foot pegs on the back. This sort of vehicle would be somewhat ridiculous in real life combat, but for G.I. Joe, it's pretty tame. Apparently, they have stopped giving out figure stands for figures that come with vehicles.

The set comes with two figures, Beachhead and Rollbar. As far as I can tell, Rollbar's first figure was as recently as 2004. His file card says he's a mobile weapons specialist, and that's really all I know about him. Fortunately, his figure is pretty cool. He's got a lot of gear, a couple guns, and his helmet is removable. The other figure from this set is Beachhead, who's a classic. Since this is the movie version, he's traded in his bright green sweater and mask with black vest for a black sweater and mask and a more subdued green vest. I'm glad they didn't just put him in blue camo and kept somewhat close to his classic look.

When I first saw that this was coming out, there was one main reason I wanted to get it. A motorcycle with a side car. Well, here is the reason I wanted to get this set:

Indy's last crusade

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