Thursday, July 28, 2011
#78: TRON Legacy - Rinzler and Quorra
I rather enjoyed TRON Legacy, so I was disappointed that the toys weren't so great. But now, a lot of them are on clearance at Target (except the light cycle that I want), so for a buck fifty I decided to pick up one of these little sets. Each set comes with two figures, two bases, and two connectors. The bases have multiple holes, so you can customize how you want to position the figures. I went with this set based on the character selection. My first choice was the set with the TRON arcade game booth, but there weren't any that I could find. So I went with this one because it has Rinzler who (SPOILER!) is actually TRON. And even though Quorra has a helmet on here, I'm going to pretend it's Thirteen from House MD. Dear Diamond Select: please secure the House MD license for Minimates. I would buy the hell out of those. So this isn't the most exciting toy, but it is pretty neat looking, and for its price I'm happy with it.
I saw these the other day at Target in my Toy Travels and they gave me a short pause at there price point.