Thursday, July 12, 2012

#53: Amazing Spider-Man - Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man

Last week, the Spider-Man movie reboot opened, and on opening day I had nothing going on so I went to watch it. I didn't have the highest expectations for it, so I did end up enjoying it more than I was expecting to. Unsurprisingly, that made me want to get a movie Spider-Man figure. In the movie line, there is only one Spidey in the movie costume, so this is the one I went with. Fortunately, all the Spider-Man toys were on sale that week, because I would otherwise be too cheap to pay full price. This is a nice representation of the movie costume, although the lenses are white rather than yellow/golden. True to his name, this Spidey is indeed ultra poseable, with all sorts of articulation. There are no accessories, no webbing, no stand. There aren't even holes in the bottom of his feet, so he can't use someone else's stand.

"Gee Doc, didn't you used to be taller?"


  1. I plan on picking one of these up too! Like you i saw the movie and had no expectations for it and ended up being delightfully surprised by it. Told the wife i need a action figure of movie Spidey now.

    1. I had no problems finding it when I wanted it, so hopefully you have the same experience. Target has them on sale right now for $1.50 off normal price.
