Sunday, February 17, 2013

#6: G.I. Joe - Edwin "Lifeline" Steen

G.I. Joe had two medics, Doc and Lifeline. Did Cobra have any? I think the closest they had was Dr Mindbender. I didn't have the Doc figure as a kid, and the most recent version was a mail away figure that I didn't get. As a kid, I did have Lifeline, but the most recent version was in one of the waves that was difficult to find in stores. Thanks to the snafu with the new Joe movie's release date, Joe toys have been missing from shelves for a few months until very recently. While waiting for the return of Joes to the toy aisles, I found myself on Ebay trying to get a Lifeline figure. On one of my auctions, I was outbid, but the winner backed out, so I was able to get this one. I'm assuming some, if not all, his body parts are re-used, but it is a very good update to the original.

One of the main things that impressed me about the Lifeline figure is the amount of accessories. Lately, Joe figures have been pretty crazy with the amount of accessories that are included with the figure, and Lifeline is surely on the higher end of that scale. The largest accessory that is included is a backboard for transporting wounded, which has a strap to hold the person down. There is a medical case with defibrillator pads which can be held in two notches. There's also a bag of saline solution which has a spot in the case. The saline bag can plug into an IV cord which attaches to a figure's arm. For keeping your figures oxygenated, there is a face mask with attached oxygen tank. Lifeline's helmet is also removable. For weaponry (I though medics weren't supposed to take part in combat, but the Joe world has its own rules, clearly), there's a machine gun, a pistol, a knife, and what I think is meant to be a pistol shaped syringe.

"Ready for your shots, Anakin?"
This Anakin is my go to figure for someone in need of medical assistance.


  1. Actually Cobra has "Medi-Vipers" which tend to the wounded and injured. I have a figure of one of them I need to get up on my blog and show at some point.

    1. Ah, cool. Thanks for the info, I'll have to look into that figure.

    2. Mario I just posted over on the Revenge From The Cosmic Ark about my Medi-Viper action figure if you would like to check it out.

  2. Funny you should post this as I have a carded Lifeline hanging on the wall right beside my computer. I've been thinking I need to open him and share him on my blog as well! I believe he was the last of the 30th anniversary stuff I was able to find at retail last year before stores made room for Retaliation toys.

    1. I'm kind of jealous that you were able to find one at retail!
