Thursday, January 16, 2014

#1: Yotsuba&! - Revoltech Danboard

Danboard has been a staple of toy photographers for a while now, and even though I didn't know what the character was from, I've always wanted one. Fortunately, Revoltech has been smart enough to keep re-releasing him to keep up with demand. I was at my very first convention a couple weeks ago, SacAnime, and Revoltech Danboard was one of the main toys I was looking for in the dealers' room.

Since the character is a child in a cardboard robot costume, it's not super posable. The front and back flaps of the chest can move a bit, and the hips and shoulders move, as well as the head. The shoulders are the only points with the ratcheted Revoltech joints. The head has a nice range of motion, which is definitely helpful for adding personality to poses.

Danboard includes an alternate head. I've only started reading the manga Yotsuba&!, but I haven't reached the volume where Danboard is introduced, so I don't know who this child is yet. Still, it is nice to have an alternate display option of another head. There is even a separate peg to connect the head. The box's peg is black, while the human head has a flesh colored peg. Danboard's only other accessory is a stand with the writing "Yotsuba&! Enjoy Everything" on it.

Danboard includes one really cool play feature: its eyes light up.


  1. You're slacking dude... only 96 entries last year? :p Get more lego minifigures!

    1. I do have a couple LEGO minifigures coming up. I am trying to limit my toy buying habits somewhat, as space is becoming an issue. Okay, space became an issue a long time ago.

  2. Everybody need to have a Danboard. Or should I say toy collector. :)
