Monday, March 24, 2014
#21: LEGO Star Wars Microfighters - Millennium Falcon
The Millennium Falcon is the coolest ship in the galaxy, and a I was disappointed that it was out of stock when I picked up the Star Destroyer. Fortunately, it had been restocked by my next visit. Its distinctive shape translated pretty well in the transition to the small size. There are a couple random single stud plates that help make it look irregular and beat up. The flick missiles are positioned where the Falcon's topside cannons are located, so that it's not a terribly out of place addition. Naturally, Han Solo is the included minifigure, sporting his original Star Wars outfit and armed with his usual blaster pistol. This and the Star Destroyer are the only vehicles I'm planning to get from this series (although the TIE and X-Wing are tempting), but I hope there is a second series, and I'm curious to see what LEGO will include.
These are very cute, but I have yet to pick any up. I won't hesitate for one second if they make an AT-AT though!