Friday, October 31, 2014

#96: Star Wars The Black Series - Imperial Shadow Squadron

Here is where the Black Series really lives up to its name. The Imperial Shadow Squadron is a Target exclusive black repaint. When the set was announced, there were some rumblings that it would be available for forty dollars as a Black Friday special. Ultimately, it ended up available on Target's website a couple weeks ago, for ten dollars more than the rumored price. Even still, it's a good deal. Perhaps it will still show up as a forty dollar Black Friday exclusive, but that wasn't a risk I wanted to take. The set features a speeder bike with shadow scout and a shadow Stormtrooper commander. I have several of the various shadow troopers in the smaller scale, so this set is right up my alley. Aside from the new color schemes, these are the same toys. The only real difference is that the commander has the sandtrooper shoulder pauldron and belt, which means he can't holster his blaster. The blaster rifles that come with the regular Stormtrooper and sandtrooper are also included.

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