Monday, December 4, 2017

#97: Star Wars The Black Series (The Last Jedi) - Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)

Like his sister Leia, Luke Skywalker did not get a six inch figure based on The Force Awakens. Sure, he didn't show up until the very end of the movie, and he didn't have any lines. But come on. Ah, well, since The Last Jedi apparently picks up directly after the end of TFA, this is functionally a TFA version of Luke, so it works. Luke's only accessory is his hooded cape, which is soft goods. Unfortunately, there's no real good way to keep it in place. There are two very short strings that can be tied together to hold it on. I blame the costume designers for not making it a proper robe, which would stay on a little better in this scale. Because I'm sure costume designers are very concerned with action figure reproductions of their designs.

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