Tuesday, March 31, 2009
#36: G.I. Joe Para-Viper
#35: Transformers Animated Wreck-Gar
Anyway, this toy is great too. The toys in the Animated line all seem to be. The transformation is pretty easy, his robot mode is mostly just folded up inside of the dumpster part of the garbage truck. Despite having a big backpack hanging off of him, he is actually pretty well balanced. His alt mode even has a cool action feature, you can flip switches on the loading arms to raise and lower them. My only complaint is that the head only has swivel articulation. A balljoint would have been cool, but it's not a big complaint.
This is definitely one of my favorite Transformers so far. Remember: mashed potatoes can be your friend!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
#34: X-Men Origins Wolverine Comic Series Deadpool
This Deadpool, however, is great. The Deadpool we all know and love is right here, loaded with weapons. Two swords, a giant sai, an AK-47, and a handgun. A couple complaints, though. I think that his swords look a little high up on his back while they're in their sheaths. Also, the ball/swivel hip articulation isn't my favorite style of articulation for hips. I'd prefer the DCUC style hip articulation.
Deadpool may not look like this in the movie, but if they give him that spinoff movie, maybe he'll look more true to his comic from then. Here's hoping!
x-men origins wolverine
Friday, March 27, 2009
Disassociated ramblings
My Crystal Skeleton still has not arrived. Maybe tomorrow! That is what I am saying every day.
Recently my friend James picked up a comic style Deadpool for me, so I will be posting about that after I see him next. I found out that there will be another wave of comic style figures in the Wolverine movie line, and Iceman will be part of it. I wonder if he'll be transparent like the Iceman I had back in the 90s.
I thought about getting the Marvel Universe Hulk, but I am really not a fan of his head. It's a little too angular for my tastes, and is kind of reminiscent of Frankenstein's monster. The upcoming Red Hulk has a much better looking head. So for now, I'll stick with my Marvel Legends Hulk. According to his profile on the Marvel website, he is 7 to 8 feet tall. This makes him a bit too tall to properly be in scale with the Marvel Universe figures, but I think I will be okay pretending he's grown a little.

The toy based on the movie version of Cobra Commander was revealed this week. Like almost every other nerd on the internet, I am not a fan. Supposedly, they didn't go with the classic hooded look because it looked too similar to a KKK member's hood. I call bullshit. Cobra Commander's hood is not white and pointy, it's blue and rounded. He looks more like one of the ghosts from Pac-Man. Why couldn't they have gone with his other iconic look of a helmet with a reflective face plate? That is inoffensive by itself, and it would have been a cool look. Bah.
Recently my friend James picked up a comic style Deadpool for me, so I will be posting about that after I see him next. I found out that there will be another wave of comic style figures in the Wolverine movie line, and Iceman will be part of it. I wonder if he'll be transparent like the Iceman I had back in the 90s.
I thought about getting the Marvel Universe Hulk, but I am really not a fan of his head. It's a little too angular for my tastes, and is kind of reminiscent of Frankenstein's monster. The upcoming Red Hulk has a much better looking head. So for now, I'll stick with my Marvel Legends Hulk. According to his profile on the Marvel website, he is 7 to 8 feet tall. This makes him a bit too tall to properly be in scale with the Marvel Universe figures, but I think I will be okay pretending he's grown a little.
The toy based on the movie version of Cobra Commander was revealed this week. Like almost every other nerd on the internet, I am not a fan. Supposedly, they didn't go with the classic hooded look because it looked too similar to a KKK member's hood. I call bullshit. Cobra Commander's hood is not white and pointy, it's blue and rounded. He looks more like one of the ghosts from Pac-Man. Why couldn't they have gone with his other iconic look of a helmet with a reflective face plate? That is inoffensive by itself, and it would have been a cool look. Bah.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
#33: G.I. Joe Cobra Viper
About the Cobra Viper specifically, this guy exhibits the quality I have come to expect from the resurgent G.I. Joe line. He looks cool, and is poseable. My only complaint is that the goggles on his helmet don't stay in place very well. Why does he have goggles, anyway? They seem redundant with that faceplate. The insanity of the Cobra method of warfare is what makes you so charming, Cobra Viper.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
#32: X-Men Origins Wolverine Comic Series Wolverine
x-men origins wolverine
#31: Marvel Universe Spider-Man
marvel universe
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tony vs Tony
I think my blog needs an image header, but I haven't come up with a satisfactory idea what to use yet. Hrm.
Although I hadn't mentioned it in any of my posts yesterday, there were a couple comments about the cost of the Marvel Universe figures. I agree, they are too expensive. I remember a couple years ago when you could get a Marvel Legends figure with a piece of a build-a-figure for the same price. Alas, there's inflation, oil price fluctuations, etc. I am glad that I have never been the type of collector that has to get a complete collection. If you're here in the States, be sure to pick up your MU figures at Target instead of Wal-Mart, if you can. Currently, Wal-Mart is selling them for fifty cents more than Target.
Last week, I complained about waiting on my Joker Squad to ship. This week, I will complain about waiting for my crystal skeleton to arrive. I sent out the order form and check at the beginning of January, and the check was cashed on the 2oth of February. It should be here any day now! Unfortunately, there is no way to check on its status, and no shipping confirmation e-mail. I am a fan of mail in offers like this, last year I got Captain Rex, and they are going to do another one later this year for Qui-Gon Jinn on an eopie.
I still have a couple toys left to post about from yesterday's haul, those should be up soon.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
#30: Marvel Universe Iron Man
marvel universe
#29: Marvel Universe Green Goblin
marvel universe
#28: Marvel Universe Captain America
The sculpt on this figure is well done, he even has the scale textured chest, and it works well on this small figure. Even the vertical white and red stripes around his midsection are sculpted elements. He is also articulated well, I'm not missing any joints on him. In addition to the Fury Files he comes with, his only real accessory is his shield. As with the Silver Surfer, that's all he needs. Captain America is one of Marvel's earliest characters and an icon, and I'd say this figure does him justice.
marvel universe
#27: Marvel Universe Silver Surfer
Here we have Silver Surfer, in all his naked silver glory. Overall, I like how this figure looks. His muscles are even more defined than the other figures I have, befitting his nudity. Rather than being a flat silver, he has an interesting iridescence that pictures of him don't seem to pick up. If you see one in person, you'll notice it. He is well articulated, although not to the degree that my Marvel Legends version of him is. I think he could have been improved by having ball ankles, instead of hinges, so that he could get into some wider stances, and maybe even use both foot pegs on his board.
Speaking of his board, that is the sole accessory he comes with, and it is the only one a Silver Surfer figure needs. As part of the Marvel Universe line, he also comes with "Fury Files" which include a sort of trading card with vitals on the character, a little letter to Nick Fury about the Surfer's disappearance from the galaxy, and a code that can be entered online to unlock more information on the Fury Files website.
Overall I like this figure, and my only real complaint are the hinge ankles.
marvel universe
Saturday, March 14, 2009
#26: Star Wars Legacy Collection Joker Squad
Finally! Going by my rules of counting a set as one entry, here at last is the Joker Squadron, an Entertainment Earth exclusive (although Big Bad Toy Store is also selling it, oddly enough). Because six figures would be hard to photograph clearly all at once, this is a special double sized entry. These figures are all from the Legacy comic series, which I am not familiar with. I got this set because I love troopers, and this set is 83 percent trooper.
I have never heard of Lord Maleval, and he was the figure I was least excited about. In the Legacy era, it seems like all the Sith are red with black markings. In the promotional pictures, it looked like his whip was made of blue plastic, so I thought it would be a lightwhip. It turned out to be a piece of string which works for me. He's actually a pretty cool figure. Underneath his robe is some interesting looking armor with a big spooky eye on the chest. The robe itself has a bendable wire along the bottom, and one near the top to hold it on. This is a gimmick I've seen before, and I like how it helps the robes keep their shape. I probably wouldn't buy this figure if it was a single carded figure, but I think it is a good addition to this set.
The Stormtrooper on the left is Sergeant Harkas (or Sgt McBeardy, as I think of him) and to the right is Vax Potor (I think of him as "the bald one"). They are both based on the VOTC Stormtrooper mold, with a wider stance to the legs. They both have removable helmets and blasters. There is nothing remarkable about Vax Potor, he is just a regular Stormtrooper, which is good. Harkas has rank markings on his arms, which help him to stand out a little. He also has big hair and a beard which conspire to make his helmet a tight fit, and they distort its shape a little while he's wearing it.
From left to right, we have Anson Trask, Jes Gistang, and Hondo Karr. Again, Trask and Karr are the same body as their male comrades in this set. Trask has a terrible haircut. Karr has a mullet, the party end of which hilariously sticks out from under his helmet. He also has a knife (since this is Star Wars, I suppose it is a vibroblade). He WILL cut you if you make any cracks about his mullet.
Finally, we get to the real reason I (and probably most other people) got this set. Jes Gistang, the first ever female Stormtrooper figure. As far as I can tell, she is an entirely new sculpt. She's just like the other Stormtroopers, but more svelte. She also comes with a ridiculously large gun. Now that Hasbro has gone through the trouble to make this sculpt, I wonder if there will be more female Stormtroopers in the future. This figure is really cool, and definitely worth picking up the set for.
Overall, I am pleased with this set. I get a squidhead - excuse me, Quarren - Sith, a bunch of Stormies, and a so far unique female Stormie.
The Stormtrooper on the left is Sergeant Harkas (or Sgt McBeardy, as I think of him) and to the right is Vax Potor (I think of him as "the bald one"). They are both based on the VOTC Stormtrooper mold, with a wider stance to the legs. They both have removable helmets and blasters. There is nothing remarkable about Vax Potor, he is just a regular Stormtrooper, which is good. Harkas has rank markings on his arms, which help him to stand out a little. He also has big hair and a beard which conspire to make his helmet a tight fit, and they distort its shape a little while he's wearing it.
Finally, we get to the real reason I (and probably most other people) got this set. Jes Gistang, the first ever female Stormtrooper figure. As far as I can tell, she is an entirely new sculpt. She's just like the other Stormtroopers, but more svelte. She also comes with a ridiculously large gun. Now that Hasbro has gone through the trouble to make this sculpt, I wonder if there will be more female Stormtroopers in the future. This figure is really cool, and definitely worth picking up the set for.
Overall, I am pleased with this set. I get a squidhead - excuse me, Quarren - Sith, a bunch of Stormies, and a so far unique female Stormie.
Friday, March 13, 2009
A look to the future
Entertainment Earth, you are on notice! As I alluded to last week, I pre-ordered the Joker Squad set from Entertainment Earth, and I am waiting for them to send it, still. My order's status has been "processing" since last Friday, and my credit card has been charged. It has been listed as in stock since Monday, supposedly shipping after 1-2 business days. I sent an e-mail to their customer service to see if I could get any information on when it will actually be shipped, but haven't heard back from them yet. I have never pre-ordered anything from Entertainment Earth before, so I don't know if this is standard. Annoying!
EDIT: Guess what arrived in the mail today. Normally, they send an e-mail when they ship things, so I was a bit surprised. They should have at least changed the status of my order on the website to reflect that it had been shipped. Oh well. I'll open this up and post about it soon. /EDIT
Looking ahead, there aren't too many toys coming out soon that I am planning on buying, which will be good for saving money.
The next wave of Legacy figures from Star Wars isn't coming out for a few months. That's the Empire Strikes Back wave, and I think if I get anything, it will be Captain Needa. Then I plan to get the entire Attack of the Clones wave, because I want to build HK-47.
For Clone Wars, there is supposed to be another wave next month that I want one figure from (a clone trooper, of course) and then nothing until August. Then there will apparently be a few waves out in a short amount of time, and I basically just want the clones. I am definitely skipping on the Turbo Tank due to size, price, and general disinterest. I might pick up the Y-Wing and the new Vulture Droid.
I want to get the comic pack that comes with the female Imperial Knight, although I don't care about Darth Krayt. Wal-Mart has another exclusive wave of Droid Factory figures, and I want to get the Corran Horn and Whistler set. More Wal-Mart exclusives that I want are the commando evolutions set, and the second Imperial pilots evolution set.
This is just what I already know about, I'm sure there will be more.
As for Transformers, I am looking forward to getting Wreck-Gar. I will most likely be skipping the movie line entirely. I'm not sure what's coming up in the Universe line, but there will probably be something I will want. Oh, and that Masterpiece Grimlock, if I can convince myself to spend so much.
There are a few figures from the new Marvel Universe line I will probably pick up. From the Wolverine line, I definitely want the comic book Deadpool, and the brown suited Wolverine.
In DC Universe Classics, I kind of want Gentleman Ghost and Hawkgirl. I definitely want the green/yellow Parademon. If the Movie Masters Two-Face ever makes it out, I want to get one.
Apparently, Mezco is coming out with a 3 3/4 inch version of its Cinema of Fear line, and will have a boxed set of Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface. Slashers in scale with my Star Wars figures? Yes, please!
What are you looking forward to in the upcoming months?
EDIT: Guess what arrived in the mail today. Normally, they send an e-mail when they ship things, so I was a bit surprised. They should have at least changed the status of my order on the website to reflect that it had been shipped. Oh well. I'll open this up and post about it soon. /EDIT
Looking ahead, there aren't too many toys coming out soon that I am planning on buying, which will be good for saving money.
The next wave of Legacy figures from Star Wars isn't coming out for a few months. That's the Empire Strikes Back wave, and I think if I get anything, it will be Captain Needa. Then I plan to get the entire Attack of the Clones wave, because I want to build HK-47.
For Clone Wars, there is supposed to be another wave next month that I want one figure from (a clone trooper, of course) and then nothing until August. Then there will apparently be a few waves out in a short amount of time, and I basically just want the clones. I am definitely skipping on the Turbo Tank due to size, price, and general disinterest. I might pick up the Y-Wing and the new Vulture Droid.
I want to get the comic pack that comes with the female Imperial Knight, although I don't care about Darth Krayt. Wal-Mart has another exclusive wave of Droid Factory figures, and I want to get the Corran Horn and Whistler set. More Wal-Mart exclusives that I want are the commando evolutions set, and the second Imperial pilots evolution set.
This is just what I already know about, I'm sure there will be more.
As for Transformers, I am looking forward to getting Wreck-Gar. I will most likely be skipping the movie line entirely. I'm not sure what's coming up in the Universe line, but there will probably be something I will want. Oh, and that Masterpiece Grimlock, if I can convince myself to spend so much.
There are a few figures from the new Marvel Universe line I will probably pick up. From the Wolverine line, I definitely want the comic book Deadpool, and the brown suited Wolverine.
In DC Universe Classics, I kind of want Gentleman Ghost and Hawkgirl. I definitely want the green/yellow Parademon. If the Movie Masters Two-Face ever makes it out, I want to get one.
Apparently, Mezco is coming out with a 3 3/4 inch version of its Cinema of Fear line, and will have a boxed set of Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface. Slashers in scale with my Star Wars figures? Yes, please!
What are you looking forward to in the upcoming months?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Weekly Updates
Given that finding and buying new toys can be a fairly erratic event, I have decided to start doing weekly posts in addition to my new toy entries. So every Friday I will make a post about anything and everything toy related. Maybe I'll talk about my adventures looking for new toys, or upcoming toys that I'm excited about, or funny pictures. This way I'll be able to avoid the possibility of going weeks without any posts.
For the past few years, during February I have been doing a project where I take a picture every day, and upload it to Flickr and my blog. Last year I did a theme of clone troopers, and this year, I did a theme of one clone trooper, Captain Rex. Here are this year's pictures.

My next acquisition (unless I go shopping and find something first) should be arriving sometime next week. Currently, the order is processing with Entertainment Earth. It's something I pre-ordered way back in October, so I am looking forward to finally having it in my hands.
I had an odd toy run this week. When I arrived at Target, the power had recently gone out. Some lights and the registers were still on, so they were allowing shoppers in the store. They started escorting customers around the store, but I didn't have an escort until I was already done in the toy aisles. Wal-Mart's power was also out, but they were closed.
My Legacy Collection Grievous was on my bed's headboard and somehow ended up under my pillow last night, and now its leg is bent. D'oh!
For the past few years, during February I have been doing a project where I take a picture every day, and upload it to Flickr and my blog. Last year I did a theme of clone troopers, and this year, I did a theme of one clone trooper, Captain Rex. Here are this year's pictures.
My next acquisition (unless I go shopping and find something first) should be arriving sometime next week. Currently, the order is processing with Entertainment Earth. It's something I pre-ordered way back in October, so I am looking forward to finally having it in my hands.
I had an odd toy run this week. When I arrived at Target, the power had recently gone out. Some lights and the registers were still on, so they were allowing shoppers in the store. They started escorting customers around the store, but I didn't have an escort until I was already done in the toy aisles. Wal-Mart's power was also out, but they were closed.
My Legacy Collection Grievous was on my bed's headboard and somehow ended up under my pillow last night, and now its leg is bent. D'oh!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
#25: Star Wars Legacy Collection Obi-Wan Kenobi
#24: Star Wars Legacy Collection Luke Skywalker
#23: Star Wars Legacy Collection Han Solo
#22: Star Wars Legacy Collection Spacetrooper
Monday, March 2, 2009
#21: DC Universe Classics Killer Moth
dc universe classics
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