Tuesday, February 7, 2012

#743: Masters of the Universe Classics - Jewelstar

Hello everyone!  It's me Novelty from Toy a Day.  I'm the guy who designed the title for this blog though, so it's almost like home here.  The last time I did a review here on A Year of Toys, it was one-third of a review for a three pack.  Well, this time, around, there is no difference - I'm opening another 3-pack and the review for one of the three figures is here.  It's Female February over at Toy a Day, and I've just opened MotUC's Star Sisters today.  That's Starla, Tallstar and Jewelstar.  And since I know Mario likes bling bling (or was it jar jar blinks?  I always get confused about that), it was a no brainer to pick Jewelstar for A Year of Toys.

Jewelstar originally in the 80s was a doll that could transform into a crystal.  Well, action features are no longer supported in MotU Classics, so that feature is gone.  Instad we have a figure that's still based around crystals, but doesn't transform into one.  Jewelstar is mostly pink and her gimmic this time is that she has translucent purple crystals on her knee joints, head and shoulders.  In addition, her forearms are completely made of the translucent crystal plastic.  The crystals does not hinder the articulation, but I'm not sure they add to the overall aesthetics of the figure.  The headpiece looks a bit ridiculous and seems like an attempt to imitate the elaborate headdresses of carnivals in Rio or some exotic place, but it fails to do so.  The other pieces just seems a wee bit tacky.

Her sculpt isn't that great as well.  Granted, she's mostly reused parts outside of the translucent crystal bits.  The pink plastic used on her seems to have a nice pearlised sheen which is nice.  However, the 'breadbox' design of her chest makes it seems as if she has one long boob which looks very unnatural and is just not aesthetically pleasing.  The mistake in her hip piece also causes her crotch to appear like 'granny panties', again, not a good thing to be compared with.

She does have good bits though, but unfortunately, it's on her back - literally.  Her hair is sculpted to keep clear of her back and the crystals on her shoulders.  This means she's able to turn her head with ease.  She's also the only one of the Star Sisters with a cloak.  Mattel has decided to give the cloak a shimmering appearance so that it seems almost magical.  It's a pity it's on her back and is unable to cover the bad choices on her front.  She comes with a staff that's also translucent pink... with sparkles!

Well, I'm not sold on her though - I still mourn the loss of her action feature and I'm definitely not pleased about her odd costume.  But she is pink and she is a female and she is a Great Rebellion member who will stand with She-Ra and bulk up the Great Rebellion members at the persent time (so that they seem Great?) so I guess she'll have to do for the time being, until she gets pushed to the back when we get figures like Castaspella and Madam Razz and Glimmer.

This is part two of the three part review.  Part One is on 3B's Toy Hive and features Starla.  Part Three is on Toy a Day and I write about the mundane things like the box and the accessories and Tallstar there.

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