The set comes with two figures, Beachhead and Rollbar. As far as I can tell, Rollbar's first figure was as recently as 2004. His file card says he's a mobile weapons specialist, and that's really all I know about him. Fortunately, his figure is pretty cool. He's got a lot of gear, a couple guns, and his helmet is removable. The other figure from this set is Beachhead, who's a classic. Since this is the movie version, he's traded in his bright green sweater and mask with black vest for a black sweater and mask and a more subdued green vest. I'm glad they didn't just put him in blue camo and kept somewhat close to his classic look.
When I first saw that this was coming out, there was one main reason I wanted to get it. A motorcycle with a side car. Well, here is the reason I wanted to get this set:
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